

I admit, I have neglected the blog for some time now, nearly forgotten it.

Now when I revisited it, imagine my surprise, the blog has lived without me.

The blog had about 100K views in past two years, and the videos had also about 100K views.

Using the search phrase "trample stories" I have found it on the first position of the second page with yahoo and on the first position of the seventh page with google. That is a result that I did not expect from a page that is a subdomain to blogger, without any SEO optimization and with only 25 posts.

So, I will continue to add textual content and I will also add some video content, too; but this time it will not use YouTube as a storage provider, but some other file sharing site (e.g. FileFactory, or There will not be any thumbnail previews, as it is a custom on similar blogs and bulletin boards, but there may be option of pdf file that would contain thumbnails for some larger files (e.g. above 500MB or so).

I have come to much good content in last decade, some of that content is from web sites that do not for three or more years, so I want to share them with other enthusiasts.

That's all for now

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